10 Questions for Anthony Hicks

Anthony Hicks is one of the members of Denver African American Philanthropists. Here are his ten answers about camaraderie and community, life and his family, and what he reads online and in books. 

Anthony does beautillion

1. Where do you get your inspiration from? 
My Dad, who’s passed on; but his life lessons and love continue to drive me. My wife Portia of 21 years and 10 yr old son, Anthony Jr.; everything I do, I do for them.

2. When did you join your giving circle? Why? 
The seed was planted in August 2011 with the circle officially being recognized on May 15,2012. I was drawn by the passion and personalities of the other members and knew we had a real opportunity to make a difference.

3. What impact has being in your circle had on you? 
It’s helped re-enforce a sense of camaraderie and self-help when it comes to having an impact on my community!

4. How has being in your circle altered your views about your community?  
It’s re-opened the doors of the past when it was the responsibility of each individual or a collective of individuals to pursue social and economic justice within the African-American community. This evolved around a real sense of worth and purpose directed around a belief that we can help our own.

5. Where did you grow up? and in what years?
I grew up in Dayton, Ohio during the early 60’s until I left in 1993.

6. What was your favorite subject in elementary school?
Wow, elementary school! Probably recess; but I  was always interested in science.

7. What books are you currently reading?
Let It Go: Forgive So You May Be Forgiven by Bishop T.D. Jakes and Giving Back by our very own CIN member, Ms. Valaida Fullwood.

8. What websites do you visit frequently?
USA Taekwondo, since my son is competing in the USAT National Championships in June 2012. Also, I’m one who needs to continuously be informed, so CNN, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal are daily visits.

9. If there was one major issue that you could address, given that funding would not be a concern, what would it be?

10. What advice can you give to the next generation of philanthropists?
Continue to give of your time, talent and resources as one or as part of a collective!

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